You Had Me Until You Said….Camping

Ok, so I have been begging my husband for years to go see the giant sequoias in California. I mean they’re just flat out a bucket list item. So he finally agreed and I was over the moon. So over the moon that my brain didn’t fully comprehend when he informed me that we were…

Kindness in Practice

Kindness, quite simple in theory, yet somewhat complicated in practice. Kindness towards ourselves, for example. Did you know that extending kindness toward ourselves is actually quite difficult for most of us? In fact, for most of us, we’re more likely to extend kindness toward a stranger than we are to ourselves. If you’re anything like…

Changing With The Seasons

Have you ever stopped to notice how cyclical life is? From the rotations of our planet itself to the cycles of our own lives. This is one thing that I greatly appreciate becoming aware of, and of course I have yoga to thank for this awakening. The reason I’m so thankful for this is because…

Finding Balance

There is a daycare right behind my house. I don’t think I fully understood what this meant when we were purchasing our home. I think I was even naive enough to dream of the convenience of having a preschool/daycare behind my house. Because, you know….THREE kids. How could a nearby daycare not be handy? That…

Creating A Sustainable Wardrobe

Organization. Y’all! It’s time to clean. those. closets. out!!! Not just the closets, but the chest of drawers, the dresser, the Target plastic bins you have stashed in your closet so you have more room….all of it. Did I just hear a unanimous sigh? Pretty sure I did…but here’s the thing, If your closet currently…

What to Look For in a Short-Term Property Rental

So, I’ve been asked quite a few times about purchasing a property with the intent to rent it out for short term rentals. The question has come from both people wanting to purchase a property for extra income and people wanting a slice of paradise that pays for itself instead of bearing the weight of…

Hello There,

Thanks for joining me! I wanted to give a quick introduction of myself. Many of you may know me through my previous company, StitchBee Boutique. To go a little more in depth, I’m a mama to three littles, ages 5, 4, and 1. I just completed my Master’s in Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies this…