You Had Me Until You Said….Camping

Ok, so I have been begging my husband for years to go see the giant sequoias in California. I mean they’re just flat out a bucket list item. So he finally agreed and I was over the moon. So over the moon that my brain didn’t fully comprehend when he informed me that we were going camping… in a tent.

Of course we’re camping. I mean why wouldn’t we go camping in a place we’ve never been before, when it’s chilly outside, and we have a 5 year old, 4 year old, and 1 year old. Hello! It’s the perfect time to go camping!…. Who needs access to things like indoor plumbing? Not us!

Yeah. Perfect time. So during the 8.5 hr drive there, then arriving in the dark to our campsite where we still had to put up the tent with a small army of super tired and frustrated children (who of course ALL suddenly needed the potty that I couldn’t find!), I kind of wanted to kick everyone out (especially my husband) and sleep in the car. However, once I stopped acting like a princess it was actually so much fun!!!

The kids were beside themselves, the tent became an array of imagined things and they quickly guided us through the trails of the Redwood National Forest. We had camp fires, s’mores, and my husband was finally able to use his Coleman grill he begged for last Christmas.

It probably would have been too cold if we were camping with gear that wasn’t my husband’s. ha! He of course still had all of his outdoor equipment from Alaska, so our sub-zero sleeping bags were perfect for the chilly nights. I mean y’all, we made it through the weekend without our kids asking for a screen once! Ok, that’s a lie, when we would get in the car my daughter would ask but we told her no.

I have two points to this. The first is… it! Go camping! Even with all the screaming kids, the weather that may not be ideal and the place that is far away! Good or bad, you’ll come out with some amazing memories you didn’t have before! And the second, go see the trees!!! Seriously, the Redwood National Park is just exquisite, from the trees, to the beach and the random brightly colored array of funguses you see in between. It is truly a trip of a lifetime.

We personally ventured to the adorable little town of Trinidad, California. The place we camped was called Emerald Forest. Less than a mile down the road from the town of Trinidad. Trinidad had cute little cafes, a wine tasting shop, a small grocery store, and a few little coffee shops. I also believe there are a few airbnb’s in this cute town as well, if you’re not ready to brave the great outdoors all night.

Emerald Forest though, I loved. Unlike many of the other camp grounds, this one was NOT cleared out. You were very much living amongst the trees (you know the entire reason you’re there). Also, my favorite part was the fact that the bath houses had been recently remodeled and were very private. They were not stalls, but their own rooms. They were decorated with wood in herringbone pattern and slate tiles, new vanities and were extremely clean and private. The camp also had super cute cabins as well! Luckily for my husband, they were just all booked when we went.

Finally, here are a few pictures from our adventure to enjoy! Remember, “you can’t give your life more time, so give the time you have left more life.” My new words to live by.

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