Changing With The Seasons

Have you ever stopped to notice how cyclical life is? From the rotations of our planet itself to the cycles of our own lives. This is one thing that I greatly appreciate becoming aware of, and of course I have yoga to thank for this awakening.

The reason I’m so thankful for this is because when we become more attuned to these cycles, we can become more accepting of the season we’re in and work with our phases instead of striving fruitlessly against them.

As mentioned, you can find a circle in nearly everything, But given the time of year, I’m going to take advantage of the opportunity to talk about the seasons, more specifically the season of Fall. As all of you pumpkin spice everything fans have noticed, its becoming that time of the year.

Photos by Brittany Eden Photography

The weather will soon begin to cool (unless you live in the southeast of course), the leaves will begin to change and fall. It will be the perfect time for bonfires outside, visiting apple orchards and pumpkin patches. And of course lets not forget about football.

But there is another thing that I want more people to think of and practice during this Fall season. Letting go. Letting go of physical things and letting go of any habits or emotions that are no longer serving us.

As I mentioned, when we take time to study the nature surrounding us, it is constantly showing us what we should be focusing on and doing in our own lives (because spoiler alert, we’re part of nature too…). So the plants and trees that have been working so hard all summer to collect nutrients and grow are coming into a season where they will soon be shedding these fruits of labor.

It’s actually a wonderful season for us to do the same. For example, getting rid of all the stuff. The clutter that is built up in our minds and the physical clutter that is filling up our houses. Have you ever stopped to think about how much stuff we have? Or is that just me since we have to move every few years? haha. Either way, it takes a lot of energy to own all of this stuff, half of which we don’t even use. We have to clean it, care for it, and store it. The more stuff we have the more energy we have to lend doing these tasks.

I know most people have “Spring Cleaning” built into their brains, but truly, Fall is an excellent time of year to shed all of these unwanted things. To nest in our own homes and in our own minds and create a space that we truly love, since we will be spending a lot more time in these spaces once Winter arrives.

So I encourage you to take a look around your house, take some time to close your eyes and breathe and contemplate, are there things in your life that just aren’t serving you anymore? Habits you want to quit? Maybe it’s a personal change in yourself, a need to let go of a mindset that is no longer serving you.

Or…maybe there’s no need to get philosophical and its actually all those baby toys sitting in the corner that haven’t been played with in six months that need to go. Either way, just take this time in between sipping on your Pumpkin Spice Latte to create a space that will bring you joy in the coming months.

Disclaimer….please don’t hate me….but I seriously don’t care for pumpkin spice anything….true story. It creates a bit of an issue in my marriage this time of year.

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