Styling Your Closet

So now that you’ve cleared out your closet (If you haven’t check out that piece here…. ) we need to get that beauty organized.

This matters SO. MUCH. It will also make a significant difference in your daily routine, not to mention if done properly, it can fuel your desire to keep it looking pristine and not fall back into old habits.

There are various ways to organize one’s closet, so I’ll touch on a few here to give you an idea of the direction you might want to go.

This first way I’ll discuss is by THEME. Do you have a 9 to 5 outside the home? This might be a great option for you. It’s also a great option if you wear uniforms to work as well. Basically you sort all of your hanging clothes into groups by theme. Place all of your work clothes in a space, dress clothes (if they’re different), weekend clothes, etc. So then when you go to your closet you can head straight for the direction that houses the clothes fitting for the occasion.

By article. Another great way is just to organize each piece by what it is. Have a section of just dresses, another for dress pants, another for jeans, etc. You get the point. I love this option because it also helps you go toward exactly what you’re looking for. It makes finding things significantly quicker and easier.

Seasonal. If you’re like me and you have downsized your wardrobe to a point where you have all seasons of clothing hanging in your closet, this is another great option. It’s also nice if you live in a place where the climate has extreme changes throughout the year. Like the others, this is relatively straight forward. Group your clothing in different sections of your closet based on the season you wear them. This option is super helpful if you’re like me and sometimes forget which clothes you still own (we move a lot and I’ve had three babies in the last 5 years, don’t judge).

Now, if you want a little extra credit, you can actually do a combination of these. And if you’re really up for the challenge, you can color coordinate your items while you’re at it! If you’re rolling your eyes right now and guessing that this is how my closet looks, you’re right. 🙂

To do this you have to have sections and subsections. Don’t roll your eyes and quit yet! It’s really not that difficult, promise! And it makes life magical when you go to get dressed.

Found on Pinterest by Un-Fancy. Check her page out for great inspiration!

The steps:

  1. Start off by hanging each piece by organizing them in one of the ways mentioned above. This will be the base or main category for your closet.
  2. Build from there to create sub-categories. So if you chose to organize based on seasons, within those seasons put all the articles of clothing that match next to each other, or place all of your work clothes together, and work your way down. For example, you have all your Fall clothes within a section, so then put all your fall jeans together, dress pants together, dresses together, etc.
  3. After this, its the home stretch, just place the items within those subsections next to their closest colors. And you’re done!!!

Did all this makes sense? I also do a similar thing to my shoes and bags. It makes getting dressed a breeze. And you will no longer hate looking at your closet! Dare I say you might even love it. Also, this isn’t required, clearly, but having all of your items on the same type of hanger will make such a huge impact on the look and over all organization of your closet . I highly the velvet hangers. Things don’t fall off of them. It’s truly magical. You can actually find them at TJ Maxx for a really good price and even Costco. Also, IKEA has great options for shoe and drawer storage for really reasonable prices.

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